Eye Shadow Shades
- Royal Rendezvous MatteRoyal RendezvousMuted light brown [Matte]Royal Rendezvous - Muted light brown [Matte]
- Finjan MatteFinjanMauvy brown [Matte]Finjan - Mauvy brown [Matte]
- Tete-A-Tint MatteTete-A-TintPeachy soft neutral [Matte]Tete-A-Tint - Peachy soft neutral [Matte]
- Suspiciously Sweet FrostSuspiciously SweetCoral Orange [Frost]Suspiciously Sweet - Coral Orange [Frost]
- All That Glitters Veluxe PearlAll That GlittersBeige w/gold pearl [Veluxe Pearl]All That Glitters - Beige w/gold pearl [Veluxe Pearl]
- Amber Lights FrostAmber LightsPeachy-brown with shimmer [Frost]Amber Lights - Peachy-brown with shimmer [Frost]
- Brule SatinBruleSoft creamy-beige [Satin]Brule - Soft creamy-beige [Satin]
- Charcoal Brown MatteCharcoal BrownMuted taupe brown [Matte]Charcoal Brown - Muted taupe brown [Matte]
- Cork SatinCorkMuted golden brown [Satin]Cork - Muted golden brown [Satin]
- Cranberry FrostCranberryRed-plum with pink shimmer [Frost]Cranberry - Red-plum with pink shimmer [Frost]
- Embark MatteEmbarkIntense reddish brown [Matte]Embark - Intense reddish brown [Matte]
- Espresso MatteEspressoMuted golden brown [Matte]Espresso - Muted golden brown [Matte]
- Expensive Pink Veluxe PearlExpensive PinkPink with duochrome [Veluxe Pearl]Expensive Pink - Pink with duochrome [Veluxe Pearl]
- Girlie SatinGirlieRosy-pink with subtle shimmer [Satin]Girlie - Rosy-pink with subtle shimmer [Satin]
- Grain SatinGrainGolden beige with icy shimmer [Satin]Grain - Golden beige with icy shimmer [Satin]
- Honey Lust LustreHoney LustBronze-dipped peach [Lustre]Honey Lust - Bronze-dipped peach [Lustre]
- Humid FrostHumidIntense green with shimmer [Frost]Humid - Intense green with shimmer [Frost]
- Malt MatteMaltSoft pinkish-beige [Matte]Malt - Soft pinkish-beige [Matte]
- Naked Lunch FrostNaked LunchMinimal pink with shimmer [Frost]Naked Lunch - Minimal pink with shimmer [Frost]
- Omega MatteOmegaSoft muted beige-taupe [Matte]Omega - Soft muted beige-taupe [Matte]
- Orb SatinOrbSoft peachy-beige [Satin]Orb - Soft peachy-beige [Satin]
- Ricepaper FrostRicepaperPeachy gold with shimmer [Frost]Ricepaper - Peachy gold with shimmer [Frost]
- Sable FrostSableGold-plum w/bronze pearl [Frost]Sable - Gold-plum w/bronze pearl [Frost]
- soba SatinsobaGold brown with gold shimmer [Satin]soba - Gold brown with gold shimmer [Satin]
- Soft Brown MatteSoft BrownSoft golden peachy-brown [Matte]Soft Brown - Soft golden peachy-brown [Matte]
- Wedge MatteWedgeSoft muted beige taupe [Matte]Wedge - Soft muted beige taupe [Matte]
- Yogurt MatteYogurtSoft pale pink [Matte]Yogurt - Soft pale pink [Matte]